Welcome to HCI at Harvard SEAS!

Human-Computer Interaction is multi-disciplinary area that focuses on building and studying interactive technology. We build on knowledge and techniques from social sciences to understand human cognition, perception and behavior. We build on knowledge and tools from computer science to design and implement novel systems. 

You can learn more by taking HCI-related courses or getting involved in research.

You can also visit us on Twitter to learn more about the goings on at Harvard HCI.

Latest News

How machine-learning recommendations influence clinician treatment selections: the example of the antidepressant selection

February 19, 2021
In our study with 220 clinicians, machine learning recommendations did not improve the quality of clinicians' treatment selections even though the (simulated) machine learning system was nearly twice as accurate as clinicians working on their own. Read more. Read more about How machine-learning recommendations influence clinician treatment selections: the example of the antidepressant selection

New-ish course: CS 96: (Sociotechnical) System Design Projects

July 3, 2020

This small, project-focused course tackles a different challenge each time it is offered. We have not yet finalized the topic for this fall, but we will definitely go after a societal problem that requires a sociotechnical solution, i.e., a solution that involves both a technical and a human component. There will be plenty opportunities to use our Computer Science skills, but we will need plenty of other expertise as well. 

See course web site for more...

Read more about New-ish course: CS 96: (Sociotechnical) System Design Projects
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